Trinity University FastBat is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, established to aid in fundraising for Trinity University Baseball.

FASTBAT (Friends And Supporters of Trinity Baseball ATrinity) was formed to help raise needed funds for the Trinity University Baseball program. These funds cover expenses including travel and meals as well as needed updates to facilities and equipment that are not covered by University funding. Donations are tax-deductible.

Fundraising Target for 2023 Season: $100,000


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Support FASTBAT When You Do!!

If you purchase from Amazon, simply go to and tag FASTBAT as your charity of choice. For every $100 you or your family spend, 50 cents goes back to the baseball program - it is a really simple way to contribute through your everyday actions.

Current fundraising projects

  • New Scoreboard

    Anyone who has been to a game knows how outdated and unreliable our scoreboard can be. This project will deliver an updated, state-of-the-art scoreboard. Sponsorships are available.

  • Player Development Center & Batting Cages

    This project is designed to deliver a much-needed, covered player development center. The Center will include covered mounds and batting cages and more.

  • Travel and Meals

    Our immediate goal is to ensure the team has meals available in between doubleheader games. The current funding does not cover these meals. We are also wanting to ensure adequate funds for safe and comfortable accommodations for the team and coaching staff for away games.


2022 Trinity Baseball Senior Tributes

All 12 seniors of Trinity baseball share their favorite memory at Trinity, what they'll miss the most from Trinity and a message to friends and family.